Rest & Reset Days at Elliston, South Australia

After a few days of hiking, swimming, driving, camping, getting bogged down in the middle of nowhere on a 40 degree day etc. I need a few days to rest & reset. For this, I chose the Waterloo Bay Tourist Park down in Elliston. I loved this place so much that I ended up here twice! Once on my way towards WA (which is what this post is about). And, once on my way back to VIC when I booked a lovely, soft, grass tent site. It felt great taking an afternoon nap in my tent when it was sunny outside ( I was all tired out from a long drive that day). Anyway, I digress.. back to my first visit.

car bogged down

I booked a cabin for a few days of relaxing indoors as I had a few active days behind me. This was the longest I’d ever been on the road at a stretch. It had been just under a month on the road. And, being on the move constantly was starting to get to me. So, I used the time in Elliston, to reset – chat on the phone, cook some semi-decent meals, watch my first k-drama (so good) and sleep on a real bed with the aircon running. It was great, my cabin had a little deck outside and I even spent some time sitting in the shade journaling – Absolute Bliss.

The next day I devoured a Thai green curry pie from the local bakery (Yumm!), washed it down with a cold coffee and headed out to the Elliston Cliff Top Tourist Drive. It was a nice sunny day and the drive along the cliff top was so picturesque. The larger than life sculptures were beautifully carved. I spent some time admiring the views and sculptures before heading back to the caravan park to spend some more time lazing around.

k-drama and dinner
Elliston Sculptures
Talia caves and rock pools

On my last day at Elliston, I decided to venture a bit further out to the Talia Caves and rock pools. It was a nice area to walk around, there isn’t a path to walk into the cave but if you have a drone you might be able to get some good shots from within the cave. If you’re feeling adventurous there is a kind of crater you can climb down (using a tree bark/ roots as a ladder)  which leads into a mini cave that opens up into the crashing waves – I saw a couple people doing this but wasn’t brave enough to try this alone – will have to save that for another time!

talia caves
beaches near talia

After a day of exploring I returned to my cabin to unwind with some calming tea and a book with a dream-like quality – Brida by Paulo Coelho.

It took me a few days but I’m so grateful I was able to rest, reset and start to feel like myself again before continuing on with my travels.

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